Category News
Jade Ventoniemi sees her future in Lahti
Free shifts to school gyms for minors
School mediators prevent and resolve conflicts
Now is the best time to make observations of flying squirrels
City of Lahti posts a positive result of 41.3 million euros
City bike season starts on 22.4. – buy your season ticket with a discount
Find job opportunities at Tiistairekry – in April the event focuses on the restaurant industry
The Mayor of Lahti believes in the many possibilities the proud city has to offer
Merrasjärvi trail receives new boardwalks at the request of the Lahti residents
Rent Mankeli bikes with contactless payment
The passion play 'Kärsimystie' will return to the streets of Lahti during Easter
Play your part – all environmental actions matter
Join us for Earth Hour 2024
Lahti awarded EU Mission Label and signs climate agreement with European Commission
Checklist for street spring cleaning