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Atmospheric modelling research centre opens in Lahti
Quick returns on green renovations in Lahti take experts by surprise: ‘Even a small investment can make a big difference’
Eeva Ratalahti guides people to find calmness through forest yoga
The number of university students is increasing in Lahti
Lahti City Hall rejuvenated through renovation
A day full of events – join Lahti's birthday celebration on November 1st
Sport events significantly increased Lahti's media attention
Niko Kyynäräinen chosen as the new Mayor of Lahti
Two environmentally-themed works of art celebrate the European Green Capital year
Wellbeing and therapeutic opportunities at the Lahti Health Forest
Bird flu cases confirmed in gulls – avoid touching dead birds in the Ankkuri area
Design competition sparks more than 40 textile innovations – winning concept tackles noise pollution
Lahti Architecture Week 22.8.–7.9. highlights famous buildings and architects
Riikka Puhakka from Lahti studies nature’s impact on health and wellbeing