The City of Lahti provides businesses and communities an opportunity for climate partnership in collaboration with LAB University of Applied Sciences. Organisations that become partners will draw up their own plan on the ways they can decrease carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate climate change. First, their current state is investigated with initial mapping, and based on that, the organisation will set themselves 2–4 relevant goals and emission reduction actions for the coming years. The goals and actions of climate partners may concern energy consumption and staff mobility, for example.
The organisations sign a climate commitment with the Mayor, and it can be used as a certificate for environmental responsibility. Climate partners will gain visibility on the City’s website and be provided with a logo to present their climate actions. In addition, our partners are offered the latest updates via the network’s newsletter.
Climate partnership is free of charge and based on voluntary participation and achieving and monitoring self-imposed goals. Climate partnership is suitable for all organisations who want to develop the environmental responsibility of their operations, regardless of their line of business.
Our climate partners
The climate partners of the City of Lahti include:
- Charlotta Yhtiöt Oy (Cafe Charlotta and Restaurant Lokki)
- CityCon Shopping Centre Trio
- Green Star Hotel Oy/Green Star Hotel Lahti
- Harjulan Setlementti ry
- Insofa
- Kauppakeskus Karisma
- Karlux Oy
- Kirma Hoiva OY
- KontaktiVerkko Suomi Oy
- Lahden Aluetaksi Oy
- Lahti Basketball Junior
- Lahti Energia Oy
- Liikuntakeskus Pajulahti
- Manna ry
- Mainostoimisto Lento
- Novart Oy
- Näkemystehdas MBE Oy
- Osuuskauppa Hämeenmaa
- Pikku Hanhi Oy
- Production Software Finland Oy
- Purkupiha Oy
- Oy Lunawood Ltd
- Salpausselän kuntoutussairaala Jalmari
- Sandvik Mining and Construction OY, Lahti
- Sinuhe Oy
- Tavata Global Oy
- Tolvanen Oy
- Tres Hombres Consulting Group Oy
- Virnex Group Oy
Sign up as a climate partner!
The climate partnership work of the City of Lahti is coordinated by the Environmental Development Unit. Contact us to receive more information about the partnership!