Youth Services
Youth Services provides activities for free time, support in the beginning of working life and help in challenging life situations. Youth work is carried out in various ways by schools as well.
Youth Services provides activities for free time, support in the beginning of working life and help in challenging life situations. Youth work is carried out in various ways by schools as well.
Premises and activities
Youth facilities around the City and online environments are filled with action and activities.
Employment services for young people
We offer the unemployed young citizens of Lahti aged 17 to 29 a wide range of job and work trial opportunities. Through us, you can be accepted for a work trial or a salary subsidy employment at the employment services’ own sectors, companies, organisations or the City of Lahti.
International activity
Are you interested in going abroad to do voluntary work or experience an exchange programme? Or would you want to participate in a week-long culture camp? We can help you make your dream come true.
Support in challenging life situations
Sometimes it is difficult to manage challenging life situations on your own. Luckily you don’t have to, because we provide help, support, guidance and counselling.
Youth work at school
The objective of youth work is a safe school community that helps young people feel comfortable and learn together.