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Without pollinators we cannot survive

As an environmental city we want to support biodiversity and thus ensure a good future for the coming generations.

Up to 90 percent of the world’s flowering plants and about 75 percent of crops depend on pollinators. Without these hard-working friends, the yields of farms and gardens would significantly decline.

Pollinators do much more than pollinate. They are a vital food source for many animals and act as natural pest controllers. Additionally, they decompose organic matter and improve soil structure.

Pollinators are sensitive to environmental changes and thus serve as indicators of the state of nature. When pollinator populations decline, it is a warning sign for all of us. One of the biggest reasons for the decrease in pollinator populations is the reduction of their habitats.

This summer in Lahti, we are taking concrete actions to promote the well-being of pollinators. Preserving biodiversity and practicing controlled neglect, which means allowing certain areas to grow naturally without constant maintenance, are key factors.

Together, we can create habitats where pollinators can thrive. Join us and make nature a better place for all of us!