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Havainnekuvassa esitetään alueen keskelle tuleva puistokäytävä, johon tulee erilliset kaistata pyöräilijöille ja kävelijöille


Ranta-Kartano connects the city centre to the shore of Vesijärvi. At the former parking field area, residential blocks and a hotel and water activity centre complex have been planned. A park path for pedestrians and cyclists is planned through the area.​ 

Closed blocks have been planned to Ranta-Kartano, and a lush, parklike pedestrian and cycling path is going to run between the blocks, in place of the former Jalkarannantie, from the city centre to Pikku-Vesijärvi park. 

At the blocks on the Kisapuisto side, a complex containing a spa hotel, a water activity centre, business premises and a carpark is planned.  

At the side of Kyösti Kallion katu, there are four blocks next to Fellman Park that will house apartments and, mostly in the ground floors, business premises. The first block is to be completed in 2020. 


At the Pikku-Vesijärvi end, there is a temporary pump track that will be in use until the block area becomes a construction site.