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How to prevent rodents in your yard

You can prevent rodents with a clean yard and good recycling and composting of waste. You are welcome to hear and discuss the current rodent situation in Lahti and ask for advice on rodent prevention. The event is on 28.5. at playground Lampipuiston leikkialue in Kiveriö.

How to prevent rodents

  1. Keep the surroundings of your yard clean. Rats do not thrive in open terrain.
  2. Check the condition of the waste bins and composters regularly. A rat can gnaw a hole in a biowaste container or composter so that it is difficult to notice.
  3. Rats can eat seeds, apples, and food scraps. Do not provide accessible food for rats in the yard.
  4. Pay attention to bird winter feeding. Do not feed the birds from the ground, and keep the feeding area clean.
  5. If you regularly notice rats in the yard, you should start exterminating them immediately. You can prevent rats with traps, but pest control companies are the best option in challenging situations. The property owner is responsible for the pest control costs on the property.

Welcome to discuss rodent prevention on 28.5. at 16–18

At the event, city employees and companies specializing in pest control will discuss the rat situation in Lahti and give advise on how to prevent rodents. During the evening, you will receive information about the prevention of harmful animals and species and tips related to waste management, composting, and winter feeding of birds, among other things.

The event will take place at the playground Lampipuiston leikkialue, at Metsäpellontie 36.