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Lahti is the fifth-best student city in Finland

The top ten best cities for students in Finland were listed. Lahti was ranked fifth, making a significant improvement from last year. ranked the top ten cities in Finland for students in 2024, and Lahti was ranked fifth, a significant improvement from last year. The survey was conducted for the third time and 33 student cities participated.

According to the survey, Lahti has the best student housing supply and job opportunities for graduating students. The city also offers excellent leisure and sports facilities for students.

Helsinki was named this year’s best student city for the third time. Tampere came second, and Espoo came third.

In August-October 2023, surveyed its users to find out what they consider the most important when choosing a city to study.

The survey comprehensively covered various aspects, including the quality of teaching, affordable housing, city life, and leisure opportunities, providing a well-rounded evaluation for the audience

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