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Lahti is the world’s fourth most sustainable city

City of Lahti is once again in fourth place on the list of the world's most sustainable cities, prepared by the research company Corporate Knights. 

City of Lahti is once again in fourth place on the list of the world’s most sustainable cities, prepared by the research company Corporate Knights.

Stockholm, Oslo, Copenhagen, and Lahti are at the top of the global sustainability comparison produced by Corporate Knights, a Canada-based company specializing in media, research, and financial information products. Corporate Knights’ sustainability comparison (Sustainable Cities Index) covers 70 cities around the world.

The assessment is based on 12 indicators related to climate change, air quality, land use, traffic, water, and waste.

– The fact that Lahti succeeds in comparison with the big cities of Europe and the world shows that we are doing things right and that by committing to change, even medium size cities can become leaders in sustainable development says environment director Elina Ojala.

Most Europeans live in cities the size of Lahti, so our work serves as an example for many, and through that, we achieve a wider impact, says Ojala.

Sustainable Cities Index | Corporate Knights