In 2024, news coverage of Lahti was diverse. Visibility was highest in the first three months of the year, with february seeing the highest number of articles and march the month with the highest reach.
In particular, sports topics increased the visibility of Lahti at the beginning of 2024. The Lahti Ski Games were particularly visible in the domestic news media, and the progress of Lahti 2029 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships bid was closely followed during the summer. Concerts by the Lahti Symphony Orchestra and performances by the Lahti City Theatre, for their part, highlighted Lahti’s culture in the media. The Aukusti Prize awarded to Malva and the Lahti Historical Museum opening after a break were positive developments.
In 2024, 2,732 news stories were written about Lahti, which was about 10% more than in 2023, with a combined potential reach of over 3 billion impressions.
International media
A total of 1 085 international media stories related to Lahti were published in 56 countries last year. The articles published had a potential reach of almost 3 billion impressions.
International visibility focused on areas such as sport and sustainable innovation. Lahti’s reputation as an environmentally friendly city and eventful destination remained strong in international coverage.
The data is available in the city’s media monitoring report for 2024, produced for the city by Meltwater.