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Without pollinators we cannot survive -campaign encourages actions for biodiversity

The City of Lahti is distributing 10,000 meadow seed packets to encourage residents to grow meadow areas in their yards. The seed packets are available at Lahti-Piste as long as supplies last.

Pollinators are an essential part of our ecosystem, necessary for food production and overall plant reproduction. However, the number of pollinators has decreased in Europe over recent decades. The City of Lahti has decided to address this challenge with a campaign called “Without Pollinators We Cannot Survive.”

By distributing seed packets, Lahti encourages residents to grow meadow areas in their yards, providing vital habitats and food sources for pollinators. The seed distribution was launched at Lahti Market Square on World Environment Day, June 5.

– The packets contain seeds of Finnish meadow flowers such as white clover, yarrow, and cornflower. We selected native favorites of pollinators that bloom at different stages throughout the summer,  explains Hanna Mattila, the head of Lahti’s Nature Positive Life project.

– We calculated that with 10,000 seed packets, we could grow about 50,000 square meters of meadows, equivalent to seven football fields, across Lahti. This would have a significant impact on pollinator conditions, Mattila estimates.

Participate in pollinator monitoring

The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) is organizing a nationwide Pollinator Weekend on June 15–16. During the weekend, Finns can report their pollinator observations via the iNaturalist app or Syke’s observation form. Read more about the Pollinator Weekend (in Finnish)

Lahti also encourages its residents and employees to report their observations to Syke. Citizen observations are needed to get the most comprehensive picture of the city’s pollinator population.

– We want to show how much can be done for pollinators in cities. Hopefully, we will inspire other cities as well, says Mattila.

Read more: Without pollinators we cannot survive